Wednesday, December 21, 2011

not phoenix listomania

i'm gonna take a leaf out of becca's blog and make me some lists. i'd make me some liszts too but a) i'd rather bring back a different classical composer, like chopin or mendelssohn and b) i can't. 

also: people have so many experiences within them, that make them who they are in ways they don't even realize. 

things i remember about this year that were good (not really in any order)
1. kentucky; by far one of the coolest things i've ever done in my life. more than cool--i loved it almost unreasonably, and loved how real it felt. within that, driving to tennessee and listening to fleet foxes as the sun rose over the mist shrouded mountains. eating fresh food all the time. eating that pint of ice cream in the walmart parking lot with scott. that reminds me, mail christmas card to janice. 
2. spending hours at the terrace in the summertime and feeling completely content
3. corollary to 2-sunsets on lake mendota
4. extendocorollary-being on lakeshore/picnic point whenever i wanted
5. seeing all the animals on my runs esp the loons, cranes, and swans
6. going to devil's lake multiple time--howling build me up buttercup with the motley group, walking down the road. famping and crystal was there! the snarky little bitch ohhh middle school kids, me dislike. fires, food, brian scaring the shit out of everyone on the night walk
7. that one time in the summer, when jack and i got randomly invited onto the sailboat with a bunch of drunk grad students and hoofers people. drinking beer in the lake, swimming fully clothed and floating, looking up to see the stars. 
8. busking (that word got so much more use this summer)...and earning like five dollars, popcorn, and water. FUTURE JOB!!
9. going to the farmers market with scott and getting fresh veggies/fruit/baked goods
10. shadowing doctors at st. mary's and especially watching the surgery in the o.r.

classes thus far in college that have made me think 
1. am env history
2. geo 139
3. psych 
4. neurobio
5. enviro 360
6. african history

songs that stuck out in the year
1. fleet foxes: all of fleet foxes (the album) and some of helplessness blues, including helplessness blues and bitter dancer
2.  love and doubt - slow runner
3. freelance whales: all of the album weathervanes
4. everlasting light - the black keys
5.  what the water gave me - florence + the machine
6. ghosts that broke my heart - laura marling
7. the bleeding heart show - the new pornographers
8. ambling alp - yeasayer
9. sun hands- local natives
10. cough syrup - young the giant

top non-school related things that email me
1. nytimes (and then taunt me with articles)
2. recall walker 
3. the happiness project
4. positivity blog
5. kaplan (take the MCAT prep course for only $1900.78!!)
6. stonesoup
7. myhabit
8. amazon

some notebook margin dumps from this semester
1. mirek as a fish professor 
2. can't pay attention :(
3. "don't talk to each other, see if i care"
5. "if you're a tasty morsel, and i'm sure every one of you is..."
6. view of world is restricted at scale you see it
7. rarely thought of superpower: ability to make someone blocking your view transparent
8. "you know what a ferret is, right? those one foot long evil creatures."
9. "as you can tell I don't like this guy. he is full of shit"
10. "voltage gated eel"
the quotations come from tony, my british-bordering-on-lost-it neuro professor

to accomplish
1. draw more
2. make this and also these, all of them, all at once
3. go to nyc (january!!??) 
4. go wwoof again
5. get a better job 
6. live more spontaneously 
7. explore madison 
8. restaurant crawl (this has been talked about for AGES)
9. finish that damn scarf 
10. read about biochem/immunology/use PubMed more and read more papers

make more lists? meta. metabolize. i shall metabolize more. there's so much to learn and do and see! what a great place, this world


  1. META!Your professor sounded fucking awesome. I want to restaurant crawl around Madison.
