Sunday, November 4, 2012

what i want

i want to laugh and make other people laugh for always

we are all granted power to induce feelings in others. does that knowledge come with the responsibility to do so? i'm not sure, because it would be impossible to live always thinking about how you make others feel. but i do think that knowledge should come at least with awareness, every now and then. today i am aware that i want to spend my life inducing feelings that are good and joyful and laughing in the people that i love and care about. which is not to say that you should be an actor playing a specific part in order to create a reaction in the audience around you, but rather that the desire to induce these emotions in others teaches you what to demand and grow for yourself.
and as you cultivate who you are, slowly, what is good in you can diffuse to your environment.

i've still been keeping up with the daily happinesses, just not posting them here. maybe tomorrow i wil put up pictures.

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