Wednesday, May 16, 2012

what's this connie? two posts consecutively and not a full day apart? well, don't get excited yet because this is all trivial. a fart into cyberspace, if you will.

i'm so tired of studying half-heartedly for my final, and i have a cold that prevents the usage of my nose. noses, wouldn't you know, are kind of important for biological function. they're so under-appreciated, until they go. then you're stuck wondering okay body, what if my mouth were suddenly incapacitated and i could no longer breathe through it? would my nose unclog itself? or would i just suffocate to death because my body part is too stupid to realize that it's working against the rest of the organism, and let me go gasping to my death while merrily producing mucus, like someone very carefully locking their bike up while a horde of unwashed huns and every dictator that ever lived armed with nuclear bombs is approaching over the hill. never mind the goddamn bike!!! (answer: it would not unclog itself. i ran the experiment by holding my breath).

this is not an honorable post and now i shall exile myself to my notebooks.  

sidenote: i always forget that tahini is ground sesame seeds, because it sounds like a hawaiian fish. but i looked up a recipe for hummus and it has tahini in it. yummy.

this morning, i had a dream i was playing soccer with a soccer team. we were playing a really good team but we were winning against expectation! the score was 5-3. it was a very realistic dream, with none of those weird pauses or interludes, strange scenery switches or physics-defying happenings. so we were playing and one of their forwards managed to break past the defenders and charged towards the goal--it was one of those goals where only the goalie could stop it but couldn't decide whether to run forward to take the ball while the person was dribbling or whether to wait and block the shot. our goalie kind of flopped between the two, so the ball went in, and the score was 5-4 and everyone was so charged AND THEN I WOKE UP. it was like watching the world cup and right when the game got tense, potentially close, all the power went out. this might not convey how frustrated i was to wake up. i tried to go to sleep and change back to that dream channel but alas. now i can't ever find out what happened.

still bothered

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