Friday, August 12, 2011

I think that facebook is only a useful tool for those who would interact like a networking demon even in its absence

I think that facebook is only a useful tool for those who would interact like a networking demon even in its absence. That is, facebook furthers their relationships and makes it easier for said networking to occur but harbors little value for those who wouldn't be all friendly up in your face anyway. If you fall into the latter category, it's more likely that facebook offers an equal amount of annoyance and pain as it does social benefits, or whatever. For example it may let you momentarily reconnect with someone but if you don't feel the urge to pour energy into constantly posting on walls, then it just tapers off into cyber silence. Maybe it allows for the virtual friendship, hah, by which I mean, the friendship you believe still exists from a comment or two (if you're a girl: "you look so cute in this picture!") or "like" on a profile post: virtual both in its matter and context.

One positive aspect of facebook is that it lets you slide through time momentarily. And it enables such thoughts as this--when I see pictures of people who went to the same high school as me but are studying, say, in Turkey, I think about how people are like seedpods fermented (to mix metaphors) in the same place and then cast into the wind to make their way and impact on the world. Perhaps more than six degrees of separation, it's six degrees of influence.

The same thing can take on such different meanings based on perspective. "How do I want to get to know this person?" instead of "what does this person think of me?" Even if that thought is "everyone wants to get to know me."

idk it's late and i am extremely tired and yet i am on this thing writing.

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