Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the thing about seeing

consecutive blog posts! it's probably the no facebook.

on my run today i saw: a beaver swimming through the creek, two sandhill cranes, and a great northern loon. i also saw ducks and geese and seagulls but those were the three animals that stood out. i stood on the docks by porter boathouse, looking around. i wish i took a picture because words will never describe it. i wish my brain could remember it still, it seems such a waste. then again, is it? because the feeling from the experience is what is important. i guess what i really wish is that i had some way of sharing what it looked like with others, or more than what it looked like, the experience.

it's funny that now oftentimes when i'm at my most solitary in nature, i wish another human was there to experience it as well.

oh it was so beautiful. i'm like a broken record and i know it possibly detracts from the significance of the statement if i'm always like "the sunset was amazing!" or "today is one of the prettiest days ever!" but actually i believe that nature offers one of those circumstances were you can say that and it can be true every single time. it can be the most beautiful sunset and so can tomorrow's. therefore, yes, maybe imperfect communication couldn't help but make such a statement less meaningful but whatever, that's how i feel.

i love looking around while running. there are so many things to see. i've noticed that whenever i run around 6, the redwing blackbirds all flock to the tops of the oak trees along lakeshore. in the wintertime, the ice made fantastical, clean shapes along the shore by the trees. once when the ice wasn't completely melted yet, the open water near the middle rushed underneath it with waves but the ice was porous and so it made a never-ending shushing sound. i guess that's not really looking around, that's hearing around. there was a huge bank of clouds towards the east today. sometimes i think the clouds look like whales breaching, like one time i was with charlie at the union, when it was picture perfectly a whale. i looked at hospital bay fields and thought they were dry but they weren't and so i mudded my way across while my brain went OH GOD WET FEET OH GOD. i saw three planes and the helicopter, and i saw the sunset's light like gold across the trees right by the concrete canoe launch, which i can't even describe.

the lake was so still but rippled like dense silk. oddly enough, there was a fire burning way across the lake and in the darkening landscape it lit up brilliantly. it looked so small from far away but up close, it must have been this huge roaring thing--i hope it was a controlled burn on some hills, not an unplanned fire. it made me think about scale, and zooming in and out on aspects of life. scale is so important. everything needs scalar context. (but not vector! a ha ha ha)

can't believe i just verbal hemorrhaged a paragraph of "and then i saw this and then i saw this and this and this!"

aaaaand instead of doing my physics homework due in 59 minutes, i wrote a post. the prioritize function is broken.

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