Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hoo I'm sleepy. But I also ate a lot after coming back from McMenamins because my body has developed a habit of becoming hungry around 10:30-11pm as a consequence of getting off work late. I've noticed that there are definite food phrases that I go through: not too long ago it was celery/carrots with ranch dressing, then string cheese (phase that is slowly being left behind), and I think that the next phase is cinnamon-sugar toast.

NOT artisan cinnamon-sugar toast. SCREW artisan toast. 

It was nice getting a beer with Aroa and Libby. Walking back in the dark across the quad near our apartment, I looked around and actually felt that Corvallis was familiar and homey for the first time. Not to say that the apartment doesn't feel like home--it does, partly because I'm a huge homebody and need to establish some place that is both physically and mentally home base, and partly because we do inhabit this apartment after all. But I think that I haven't yet adopted Corvallis itself, through the landmarks and roads may be recognizable. Granted, there really isn't very much to learn, in terms of the city's layout, since Corvallis is so small. 

So it was pretty cool to get a little jolt of Corvallis-the-city-as-home, while walking back. I think that it may have been due to meeting up with friends while Scott's gone on his research cruise. Like I'm making the city more "mine." 

I picked up a shift at work today so I was there from 8-4:30 (due to a meeting after my shift). There was an abnormally high number of staff on unit today which made it a loooot smoother and easier. I wish that we could maintain such high client:staff ratios all the damn time so it's not just five frazzled staff dealing with 15 even more chronically frazzled and high needs kids. But! No work until Sunday! Which I'm tempted to ask off of, just so that I can have a full day weekend day with Scott since he gets back late on Saturday I believe. Also because this job is such high stress sometimes.

It was one of those rare gloriously sunny days in the Pacific Northwest* so after work, I went on a run. It felt like I was running through molasses, but now feel much more relaxed than I have in a long time. I saw some interesting purple flowers near the side of the road which I have since tried to google "purple flower like a bell hanging down with criss-cross pattern" and "small bell-like flower that hangs down" and other iterations, one of which somehow led me to a google image result of nothing but purple dresses (?). Maybe they were clematis, I have no idea. 

I'm a bad person. I picked some daffodils from the street. They grow everywhere here! They're like weeds, near the side of the highway! Just like tiger lilies used to be in Wisconsin.  

Okay I'm going to stop writing now. 

* Sophisticated Asterisk Usage Time. I have a theory that people in the Pacific Northwest are so rabidly in love with the Pacific Northwest partly because of these rare sunny days. It's like being in a relationship with someone who is usually distant, rather overcast, doesn't really respond to your feelings or emotions and likes to rain on your parade but who also SUDDENLY will shower you with warmth, and light, and affection, and sweetness. Everybody gonna get addicted! Classic emotionally manipulative relationship right there.